Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Christians for McCain?

I've often said about this election that we have a choice between a Liberal and a Socialist. It's not good odds, but there's something to be said for taking what you can get. Personally, I'd love to see Chuck Baldwin in the White House; there's just something gratifying about hearing a Presidential candidate say that Abraham Lincoln was one of this nation's worst presidents. However, In our largely Bi-partisan political climate, a vote for Baldwin is nothing less than a vote for Obama.

Sens. McCain and Obama are some of the last people I'd ever pick for my presidents, but that's what we're stuck with unfortunately. Obviously choosing the lesser of two evils still means you wind up with evil, but as Christians we have to live and operate within our system. I don't believe that Christians aren't allowed to be involved in politics or the government; far from it, in fact. If you have a chance to affect the system for good, then go for it! However, some of us are called to something else, and getting involved in politics would be nothing but a distraction from our God-given jobs.

I've seen many people say that they could not vote for McCain in good conscience; my question to those people is how can you vote for anyone else in good consciense, knowing your vote will give the Socialist Obama that much more of an opportunity? Every conservative vote for anyone other than McCain is nothing but a vote for Obama. That's how it's been for years; voting for Ross Perot simply put Bill Clinton in office that much easier. It's not the way the Founders intended, but as Christians we must live with what we have, and therefore the only candidates that we can honestly consider as options are those in the two main parties. Would to God that someone with character and honesty like Chuck Baldwin would be elected, but in our warped, godless society, that's not going to happen.

So no, McCain is not a good choice. He's not even a very well conscienced choice for many. But should a Christian vote for him? Yes, because a vote against him is one more vote for Obama.

Saying that God wouldn't bless voting for McCain is like saying He would have cursed Israel for not choosing Asa because he didn't campaign to remove the high places, and instead winding up with a Reheboam. God isn't going to bless inactivity when you have a chance to make a difference.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Open Source Government?

This is radically different from the majority of my posts here on WoaK, but I thought it was a good idea and I don't have anywhere else to put it up.

I was thinking tonight, whilst eating my "Pollo Vallarta" (Mexican grilled chicken breast with cheese and shrimp) that government should be run by civilians who put aside their vocations or careers for a year or two, go to D.C., do what needs to be done, and then go home. This way we wouldn't have career politicians making power grabs and getting corrupted by corporate and special interest groups' lobbyists. Interestingly enough, this is how our government started in the first place. Most of the Founding Fathers weren't politicians: they were men with jobs that loved their country enough to put those jobs aside and do what needed to be done for their country.

Strangely enough, this system reminded me of the Open Source community. For those that aren't familiar with Open Source, it's a group effort of largely unpaid volunteers that develops free software on a donation basis. The source code for this software is "open" or freely available to anyone that wants to download it. This creates a system where different groups and individuals balance each other out and create a system if accountability and stability. When an application is released under an Open Source license, it's dependable and honest.

What does that have to do with goernment? Simply this: if out governmental system was based more on volunteers and simple taxes (preferably the Fair Tax), then that would reduce corruption to a minimum and keep people from power grabs and feel-good policies. We as the people of this nation would have more direct control over the government, and it would work for US, not the other way around. What most people don't realize is that the taxes that the government takes are OURS, not theirs. The government is supposed to be OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people; that's something that 95% of politicians in government, nation-wide, have forgotten.

Well that's my idea: a system of government where moderately-paid, locally-selected individuals work for a couple years in a small government to make laws based on the desires of their constituents. That's how it was originally designed; why did it change anyway?