See, I just can't put the topic down. When I actually get around to posting, I have a tendency to hit the same topic over and over again until I finally get a new topic to ride for a while.
Here are some very problematic things that evolutionists have to completely ignore in order to continue believing their Mother Goose-style fairy tale religion:
Abiogenesis, or the rise of life from non-living material. Fransisco Redi and Louis Pasteur proved this nonsense to be exactly that: nonsense, between 100 and 200+ years ago. The question is then, how can someone who claims to be intelligent actually think that life came from non-life, when there is neither evidence nor credible theory to back it up? Even Richard Dawkins, famous atheist and evolutionist, has no intelligent answer to this question, though even just the title of his book "The God Delusion" certainly sums up his thoughts about an intelligent Creator.
Thermodynamics, the Laws by which life, matter and energy are ruled. First, evolution cannot explain the basic existence of the things that these Laws rule; naturally-occurring spontaneous generation of the matter in the universe is directly contrary to the Laws, so even our existence is "illegal" when one believes in evolution. Secondly, the arise of "higher" creatures from "lower" ones requires an addition of genetic material that has not only never been observed, but is in fact a direct violation of the Laws as well. While and energy cannot be destroyed, they can be reduced to an unusable state, so everything tends to disorder, chaos and entropy, while the "theory" of evolution requires the exact opposite, which, once again, has never been observed in nature.
Beneficial Mutations, or random genetic cellular mutations that produce positive, helpful results. This is the cornerstone of the "Natural Selection" tenant held so dearly by evolutionists: only by slow, beneficial mutations can a creature hope to evolve into a more adapted creature. This thought even underlies the basic racism of the evolution "theory," in that since Aboriginal and African peoples are older and less evolved than whites, they are inferior (Hitler and Mussolini loved THAT one). However, the evolutionist's faith is challenged by the fact that all genetic mutations, from warts and missing limbs to cancer, are not only NOT beneficial, but are in fact harmful! Indeed, the human immune system knows well enough to attack mutated cells to help keep the body normal and healthy, so why would anyone think that these problems could be beneficial?
In conclusion, Evolution requires life to arise from non-living matter, which has never been observed nor even supported by any scientific research, complete circumvention of the Laws of Thermodynamics, which is impossible since they are immutable, natural LAWS, and "beneficial" mutations, which have also never been observed nor supported by scientific findings. Therefore, we have, instead of a scientific theory, a religious belief unsupported by science or common sense.
Showing posts with label evolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label evolution. Show all posts
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
More on the "theory" of Evolution
While contemplating this "Global Warming" "Climate Change" issue, one has to come to the conclusion that it is unchangeably tied to the farce that is Evolution.
For instance, both nonsensical belief systems require long periods of time with gradual changes. "Climate Change" simply insists that this parasitic creature, homo sapiens, is causing change to occur much faster than normal to the detriment of the rest of the ecological system.
Unfortunately, given the lack of education in the "education system," kids are being plopped out of Public Sewers spouting the party line of Evolution, Climate Change, and Socialist Politics. Isn't it strange that modern education purports to teach individuality and free thinking, yet almost all of its denizens quote the same mantra?
Well, this really isn't very long, as my day was long enough and my mind is rather scattered. Take it easy, and I'll try to update more regularly. Again.
For instance, both nonsensical belief systems require long periods of time with gradual changes. "Climate Change" simply insists that this parasitic creature, homo sapiens, is causing change to occur much faster than normal to the detriment of the rest of the ecological system.
Unfortunately, given the lack of education in the "education system," kids are being plopped out of Public Sewers spouting the party line of Evolution, Climate Change, and Socialist Politics. Isn't it strange that modern education purports to teach individuality and free thinking, yet almost all of its denizens quote the same mantra?
Well, this really isn't very long, as my day was long enough and my mind is rather scattered. Take it easy, and I'll try to update more regularly. Again.
Climate Change,
King James
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Real Big Bang
The stupid little sect of "educated" idiots in this country that believes in evolution will doubtlessly think the title denotes an overbearing, fantastical account of an event that can't be proven and of which there is no evidence, but that's not the case at all. In fact, I'm just going to post some Scripture and run those little scums off right now: there's no sense in having an idiot involved in an intelligent, spiritual conversation. It would be like involving a centipede or a spinach plant in a physics discussion.
Cool, huh? This is speaking about the last days, after the Tribulation and the Millennium. In this time, Jesus has just ruled and reigned for 1,000 glorious years, but the Devil is released for a short time and hell again breaks loose. The armies of the world rise up against the LORD and are crushed into tiny, tiny pieces. At that time, God really busts this place up. Let's get a little context on this occurrence.
The "same word" that this verse is talking about refers to verse 5, where it says that by the word of God the heavens were of old. So this verse says that the word of God holds in store the heavens and the earth. It also says they're reserved unto fire and judgment. What's this judgment all about?
(emphasis mine)
Wow. Obviously, if you believe that God wrote this Book and that it's infallible and perfect, then you have no choice but to believe that the whole universe ("heavens") is going to be destroyed at the atomic level! Don't agree? Then I'm sure there's a "The Bible is so nice" or "What Version do you like" blog out there for ya; enjoy. This is about believing the Bible, so you aren't going to fit in too well if you don't believe it.
"Dissolved" is a good word to describe it; isn't it awesome how flawless the Book is? Hallelujah, we serve an AWESOME GOD!!
There's that "dissolved" phrase again. Let me address the scientific significance of this real fast.
Many scientists agree that the particles of atoms, electrons, neutrons and protons, are in turn made up of particles called "quarks." Three quarks each, to be exact. These particles have a magnetic charge which holds them together; however, this poses a serious and almost insurmountable problem for science: having three particles that are charged magnetically means that there is an imbalance of force (one negative vs. two positive), so how does an atom stay together?
Well, I would like to propose that the Bible holds the answer to this question. In fact, I already provided the answer, though you might not have caught it. Let me provide it again.
Now is that cool or what? Sure, think about the ramifications of that statement. I don't much dwell on the things that science can't measure, explain or reason away: if God says it, I believe it. It makes life so much simpler, and you wind up being right way more often.
2Pet. 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
Cool, huh? This is speaking about the last days, after the Tribulation and the Millennium. In this time, Jesus has just ruled and reigned for 1,000 glorious years, but the Devil is released for a short time and hell again breaks loose. The armies of the world rise up against the LORD and are crushed into tiny, tiny pieces. At that time, God really busts this place up. Let's get a little context on this occurrence.
2Pet. 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
The "same word" that this verse is talking about refers to verse 5, where it says that by the word of God the heavens were of old. So this verse says that the word of God holds in store the heavens and the earth. It also says they're reserved unto fire and judgment. What's this judgment all about?
2Pet. 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
(emphasis mine)
Wow. Obviously, if you believe that God wrote this Book and that it's infallible and perfect, then you have no choice but to believe that the whole universe ("heavens") is going to be destroyed at the atomic level! Don't agree? Then I'm sure there's a "The Bible is so nice" or "What Version do you like" blog out there for ya; enjoy. This is about believing the Bible, so you aren't going to fit in too well if you don't believe it.
2Pet. 3:11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
"Dissolved" is a good word to describe it; isn't it awesome how flawless the Book is? Hallelujah, we serve an AWESOME GOD!!
2Pet. 3:12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
There's that "dissolved" phrase again. Let me address the scientific significance of this real fast.
Many scientists agree that the particles of atoms, electrons, neutrons and protons, are in turn made up of particles called "quarks." Three quarks each, to be exact. These particles have a magnetic charge which holds them together; however, this poses a serious and almost insurmountable problem for science: having three particles that are charged magnetically means that there is an imbalance of force (one negative vs. two positive), so how does an atom stay together?
Well, I would like to propose that the Bible holds the answer to this question. In fact, I already provided the answer, though you might not have caught it. Let me provide it again.
2Pet. 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
Now is that cool or what? Sure, think about the ramifications of that statement. I don't much dwell on the things that science can't measure, explain or reason away: if God says it, I believe it. It makes life so much simpler, and you wind up being right way more often.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Evolution? Are you nuts!?!
Besides the obvious fact that institutions of "higher learning" are breeding grounds for Evolutionist infidels, an article from FOX regarding a recent Gallup poll shows that less than 40% of Americans believe in evolution, and less than 25% of high school-educated people believe in the ridiculous nonsense.
Well, with no evidence for the "theory," no "transitional fossils" (which were a problem for Darwin and still give Evolutionists epileptic fits) and belief only in places full of educated idiots, proponents of this nonsensical pipe dream need to crawl back into their scummy little holes and suck an egg.,2933,491345,00.html
Well, with no evidence for the "theory," no "transitional fossils" (which were a problem for Darwin and still give Evolutionists epileptic fits) and belief only in places full of educated idiots, proponents of this nonsensical pipe dream need to crawl back into their scummy little holes and suck an egg.,2933,491345,00.html
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Evolution "theory," pt. 2
Of course the Darwinists hit my previous "evolution" post like I expected them to; they don't like it when you question their faith.
I've tired of messing with them; lately I've instead focused on more Spiritual discussions. My current topic of focus is called "The uselessness of Religion." I named it that because I knew it would get peoples' attention; the reason I started it was because I know how stuck on "religion" people get, and how negatively it is viewed by outside viewers. Oh well, perhaps more on that later.
Evolution is a lie, ok? I know some new visitors won't agree, but that's fine, you'll get over it or leave. Darwin saw different species of finches and supposed that they "evolved" from a "common ancestor" instead of varying based on their habitats. Then he and some of his buddies forged a "missing link" that came to be known as "Piltdown Man." The thing was the skull of an ape, the jaw of a human, and some mis-matched teeth all filed down, treated with acid, and stuck on with BUBBLE GUM. Then they buried it in a gravel pit and someone "discovered" it a year or so later. Of course the "Scientific" community jumped all over it, claiming it was "proof" of their evolution garbage. But alas, someone who applied a bit of objectivity to the situation discovered that it was a hoax. However, you don't hear much about "Piltdown Man" anymore, do ya'?
The same with Nebraska Man: a man found a TOOTH and designed a whole RACE of "humanoids" based on the ONE TOOTH! It was later discovered that far from being a hominid tooth, it was actually from a species of extinct PIG. That's how "objective" evolutionists are.
The only real reason I bring it up is because I've met a lot of Christians that are confused about the evolution mess. They think that "science" contradicts the Bible, so in order to believe the Bible they have to reject "science." This is far from the case, ladies and gentlemen. The Bible is light years ahead of science: they're still catching up with the Bible.
Moreover, almost single field of modern science was pioneered by a Born Again Christian who believed the Genesis account of Creation. That's not even mentioning all the archaeologists that traveled all over the world to attempt to prove the Bible wrong but actually found the Bible to be 100% correct.
In the book "The Case for Christ," the author tells how he, an experienced journalist, lived his entire life as an atheist. At one point, he grew so tired of peoples' belief in Jesus Christ that he decided to approach His story from a legal standpoint: in effect he decided to come at Jesus and His existence like he would a questionable news story. Halfway through his study, he accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour, as a result of his attack! He then proceeded to publish his findings in the book that I named above, showing that Jesus' existence is easily ascertained by eyewitness accounts.
Evolution, on the other hand, has no eyewitnesses, nor can it! (in the Scopes monkey trial, EVOLUTION LOST) Evolution is based on assumptions, guesses and lame hypotheses that cannot be proven nor ever will be.
If you're a Christian that has struggled with evolution and its attack on the Scriptures, rest assured that your Bible is 100% correct, and no person will ever prove otherwise. You can KNOW that Jesus Christ is real, His Word is Truth, and He IS the Creator of this Universe. Faith, at that point, changes from "believing" to KNOWING.
I've tired of messing with them; lately I've instead focused on more Spiritual discussions. My current topic of focus is called "The uselessness of Religion." I named it that because I knew it would get peoples' attention; the reason I started it was because I know how stuck on "religion" people get, and how negatively it is viewed by outside viewers. Oh well, perhaps more on that later.
Evolution is a lie, ok? I know some new visitors won't agree, but that's fine, you'll get over it or leave. Darwin saw different species of finches and supposed that they "evolved" from a "common ancestor" instead of varying based on their habitats. Then he and some of his buddies forged a "missing link" that came to be known as "Piltdown Man." The thing was the skull of an ape, the jaw of a human, and some mis-matched teeth all filed down, treated with acid, and stuck on with BUBBLE GUM. Then they buried it in a gravel pit and someone "discovered" it a year or so later. Of course the "Scientific" community jumped all over it, claiming it was "proof" of their evolution garbage. But alas, someone who applied a bit of objectivity to the situation discovered that it was a hoax. However, you don't hear much about "Piltdown Man" anymore, do ya'?
The same with Nebraska Man: a man found a TOOTH and designed a whole RACE of "humanoids" based on the ONE TOOTH! It was later discovered that far from being a hominid tooth, it was actually from a species of extinct PIG. That's how "objective" evolutionists are.
The only real reason I bring it up is because I've met a lot of Christians that are confused about the evolution mess. They think that "science" contradicts the Bible, so in order to believe the Bible they have to reject "science." This is far from the case, ladies and gentlemen. The Bible is light years ahead of science: they're still catching up with the Bible.
Moreover, almost single field of modern science was pioneered by a Born Again Christian who believed the Genesis account of Creation. That's not even mentioning all the archaeologists that traveled all over the world to attempt to prove the Bible wrong but actually found the Bible to be 100% correct.
In the book "The Case for Christ," the author tells how he, an experienced journalist, lived his entire life as an atheist. At one point, he grew so tired of peoples' belief in Jesus Christ that he decided to approach His story from a legal standpoint: in effect he decided to come at Jesus and His existence like he would a questionable news story. Halfway through his study, he accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour, as a result of his attack! He then proceeded to publish his findings in the book that I named above, showing that Jesus' existence is easily ascertained by eyewitness accounts.
Evolution, on the other hand, has no eyewitnesses, nor can it! (in the Scopes monkey trial, EVOLUTION LOST) Evolution is based on assumptions, guesses and lame hypotheses that cannot be proven nor ever will be.
If you're a Christian that has struggled with evolution and its attack on the Scriptures, rest assured that your Bible is 100% correct, and no person will ever prove otherwise. You can KNOW that Jesus Christ is real, His Word is Truth, and He IS the Creator of this Universe. Faith, at that point, changes from "believing" to KNOWING.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Evolution "theory"
Of course the Great Barrier Reef is 3 million years old. Well yeah it was an evolutionist that dated it, but that's irrelevant! Science is objective!
Uh huh. Nope. Not in the least. Go date your rocks by fossils and then your fossils by the rocks, buddy...the big boys have some work to do.
I should probably refrain from tangling with evolutionists (the really indoctrinated ones) for the rest of my life; I haven't spent enough time studying their drivel, and it's really a worthless pursuit anyway, so when I engage them in conversation, I get in the flesh and lose my temper.
Evolution is one of the most worthless, lie-riddled belief systems in history, superseded only by the Catholic Whore. From Java Man, Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man (!), Neanderthal Man to Australopithecus Afarensis and the rest of that racist Evolutionary garbage, Evolution is one lie on top of another to keep "unlearned" people in the dark so the evolutionist can go on believing that there is no God. Basically, he's going to lie himself right into Hell, because he wants to.
I've dealt with dozens of evolutionists, from the stupid fatheads that don't know anything, to Theistic Evolutionists that believe God used evolution, to professors and people who really believe their nonsense (or seem to) and have an education to make other people think they know what they're talking about. It's just like Lucifer, in his pride, wanting to be like God, to ascend above God, to be LIKE GOD. Wow, God pegged evolutionists in GENESIS 3, and they think the Bible is just a fairy tale or book of myths?? Boy, our Public Sewer system sure is churning out some bright ones these days!
Of course, as "scientists," they feel that they have the intellectual upper hand, when in fact their arguments and "evidence" are so faulty and transparent that it's laughable, other than the fact that they'll go to HELL when it's all said and done. Good ol' Darwin sure pulled a ringer for ya', didn't he, Satan? Be sure to say hi to him next time you see him.
Sorry, this post is all negative; I usually try to bring my negative posts around to a happy ending, but not today. Evolution is the scum of humanity, the cream of the crop of the ignoramuses that flaunt their college degrees, the most vile thing that ever happened to mankind. The world is full of proof that evolution is retarded, but of course the evolutionists will completely ignore that proof and continue to run ahead full blast, straight into Hell.
Sorry guys, until you get rid of your pride, cry out to God and ask Him to save you, you're going straight to Hell.
Uh huh. Nope. Not in the least. Go date your rocks by fossils and then your fossils by the rocks, buddy...the big boys have some work to do.
I should probably refrain from tangling with evolutionists (the really indoctrinated ones) for the rest of my life; I haven't spent enough time studying their drivel, and it's really a worthless pursuit anyway, so when I engage them in conversation, I get in the flesh and lose my temper.
Evolution is one of the most worthless, lie-riddled belief systems in history, superseded only by the Catholic Whore. From Java Man, Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man (!), Neanderthal Man to Australopithecus Afarensis and the rest of that racist Evolutionary garbage, Evolution is one lie on top of another to keep "unlearned" people in the dark so the evolutionist can go on believing that there is no God. Basically, he's going to lie himself right into Hell, because he wants to.
I've dealt with dozens of evolutionists, from the stupid fatheads that don't know anything, to Theistic Evolutionists that believe God used evolution, to professors and people who really believe their nonsense (or seem to) and have an education to make other people think they know what they're talking about. It's just like Lucifer, in his pride, wanting to be like God, to ascend above God, to be LIKE GOD. Wow, God pegged evolutionists in GENESIS 3, and they think the Bible is just a fairy tale or book of myths?? Boy, our Public Sewer system sure is churning out some bright ones these days!
Of course, as "scientists," they feel that they have the intellectual upper hand, when in fact their arguments and "evidence" are so faulty and transparent that it's laughable, other than the fact that they'll go to HELL when it's all said and done. Good ol' Darwin sure pulled a ringer for ya', didn't he, Satan? Be sure to say hi to him next time you see him.
Sorry, this post is all negative; I usually try to bring my negative posts around to a happy ending, but not today. Evolution is the scum of humanity, the cream of the crop of the ignoramuses that flaunt their college degrees, the most vile thing that ever happened to mankind. The world is full of proof that evolution is retarded, but of course the evolutionists will completely ignore that proof and continue to run ahead full blast, straight into Hell.
Sorry guys, until you get rid of your pride, cry out to God and ask Him to save you, you're going straight to Hell.
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